Getting Started


NeoAlchemy is available on PyPI, so it can be installed normally using pip install neoalchemy. NeoAlchemy is built on top of the official Neo4J Python driver. If you install from PyPI, this will automatically be installed alongside it. You can also install the dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt.

Questions, support requests, comments, and contributions should be directed to GitHub accordingly.

Connecting to a Graph

Connecting to a graph is designed to be as easy and painless as possible. In general, you only have to specify what you have changed from the default Neo4J settings, and NeoAlchemy will infer the rest.

For example, if you connect to your graph with the username and password neo4j at the default port (7687) on localhost, connecting to a graph is as simple as:

from neoalchemy import Graph

graph = Graph()

On the other hand, if you’d changed your Neo4J password to password, you could connect like this:

graph = Graph(password='password')

Of course, you can have a completely custom setup if you like. Just pass a URL and Graph will parse it for you:

graph = Graph('bolt://')

You can also pass the username and password in separately if you like:

graph = Graph('bolt://',
              user='my_user', password='password')


NeoAlchemy only supports connecting over the Bolt protocol. This also means that only Neo4J version 3.0 or higher is supported.